Thank you for visiting this website and checking out this ministry. Thank you for your prayers that experienced homeschool moms would be led to help others get started. Thank you for praying that these women would be an encouragement to one another and that God's kingdom in heaven would be a little fuller because of our efforts and your prayers.
It has been on my heart for years that we all teach our children lots of things. We first teach them to eat and walk but later we teach them to get along with others and how to balance a checkbook. We teach them to mow the lawn and drive a car. I've always been convinced (maybe a bit arrogant) I could teach my children most anything. I might teach them that we need a tutor for Calculus 3 but I could teach them how to find one!
More recently it occurred to me that my confidence comes, in part, from the idea that God equips those whom he calls. I've heard this over and over as I've been called to help with this-or-that around God-loving circles. Through the years I've been called to do lots of things I didn't feel equipped to do but God has always delivered just what was needed.
As I homeschooled my own kids, God gave me a clear vision that for the time I had kids at home, they were my mission field. I was called to be available day and night, for whatever they needed, to train and instruct in the love and fear of the Lord. More recently I began to think about how through all that, God completed a work in me, Jesus homeschooled me. Think about it - Jesus homeschools. He homeschooled me to rise for midnight feedings after service toddlers all day. Jesus homeschooled me to find the resources I needed when one child was a struggling reader. Jesus homeschooled me when our home was financially devestated. Jesus taught me patience, grace, forgiveness, and how to find joy in the storm! Jesus still homeschools me. He's ready for the next lesson any day I will sit for class.
All that to say, I can't help but look at today's world and wonder how it would be if I were beginning homeschooling today. In the early 2000's I began when the landscape was quite different. But in any time, any circumstance, I could have used a partner with more experience. I could have used a mentor to pray specifically for our endeavor to educate our children as first-generation homeschoolers. I could have used a mentor to offer helpful advice and encouragement. I could have used a mentor to remind me to teach my children to love the Lord and to love to learn and the balance would follow. I could often have used a mentor to remind me that God equips who he calls.
In today's changing culture and uncommon times, I believe many will entertain the idea of homeschooling. If this is you, I encourage you to pray and ask God for his wisdom on your plan. Ask your partner to pray, too. A successful homeschool will requires unity in the family with at least the decision to school at home instead of registering the kiddos somewhere and shipping them off for the majority of their learning. I will talk more in future posts about making this decision but, to begin, in all things seek the Lord first.
If you are moved by any of this, please reach out to me. I'm seeking mentor moms and the ministry has other needs. If you'd like to be part, I'd like to meet you.
...and don't forget, Jesus homeschools. He homeschooled me and he can homeschool you, too.