

By jesushomeschools January 25, 2024
We travel through seasons. Our walk with Christ is a journey through seasons – children to young-adults, (perhaps) married, and parents then empty-nesters or widows – seasons upon seasons. Around me seasons are changing: weddings are being planned, graduations will happen, moves are underway, jobs starting and others ending. Homeschool is not without seasons, too. A […]
By jesushomeschools May 25, 2022
Homeschooling in solitude was never my favorite season. When we moved (which was regrettably often), when my kids outgrew a season, when our interests changed-these were all times we spent at least a little while homeschooling without the company of community. To be abundantly clear: I do not recommend long seasons of homeschooling without community. […]
By jesushomeschools January 28, 2022
A flexible schedule is addictive. Homeschoolers often list this singular point as the reason to not return to traditional school.
By jesushomeschools November 23, 2021
Are you over-committed? Is volunteering adding to or taking away from your homeschooling? What relationships in your life are helping you become a better wife to your husband and a better mom to your kids? Have you said no to any serving opportunities this school year?
By jesushomeschools May 26, 2021
What we teach our kids should train them up in the way they should go. Does that mean our Grammar, Art and Algebra lessons must be faith-based?
By jesushomeschools March 23, 2021
Not only will you grow and become better at your “job” but your kids will grow and change. Those factors don't often change at the same pace like perfect gears in a clock but, God remains sovereign. I can say from experience that my greatest success has been when I remembered to put the prayer part on the front end of the journey.
By jesushomeschools March 2, 2021
Mid-year messy doldrums got you down? Here's some fresh ideas to change the trajectory!
By jesushomeschools January 29, 2021
Like the hodge-podge of furniture in my first apartment and the plans I had when I first entered college, my worldview was a mix-mash of stuff I'd inherited from my parents and people around me.
By jesushomeschools January 21, 2021
If your car got a flat tire in the middle of a trip would you delay changing the tire until you arrived at your destination? I think not!
By jesushomeschools January 6, 2021
Resolve to have the best new homeschooling year by starting right.
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